Category: Lithgow and Tech
My JBL Earbuds, honest review from someone who does not sell them.
Before we delve into the review, I want to clarify that I’m not affiliated with any company selling Bluetooth headsets, including MacMason. This is simply my unbiased opinion, and I’m […]
Mac Vs Coffee Spill, Who wins?
We have all done it. Working really hard on a project in the early morning hours and bumping a cup of coffee across your keyboard. Macbook Vs Coffee Spill, Who […]
Senior Tech Classes: Empowering Seniors to Embrace the Digital World
For years, I have been dedicated to teaching seniors how to navigate the world of technology. Throughout my experience, I’ve noticed common mistakes that seniors tend to make when learning […]
Mobile Phone Repairs Lithgow
Every day, numerous individuals walk into our shop inquiring, “Do you fix phones?” This frequent inquiry has prompted us to highlight the diverse services we provide. Along with considering a […]
Top Eight Mistakes Seniors Make Learning Tech
I have been teaching senior classes on how to use computers for a very long time. There are a few common mistakes many seniors make while trying to learn how […]
New Tech Classes Coming in July
We have been talking about setting up classes for some time now. But life always seems to get in the way. Fortunately, things are starting to settle down, Errors on […]
Unlocking the Potential of Blogging for Business: Enhancing Your Digital Presence with Lithgow Tech Classes
Introduction: It’s a common scenario: when engaging with business owners, I often come across those who hand me their business card, assuming that a Facebook Page is sufficient as their […]
Refurbished iPhone X Lithgow
Where to get a great refurbished iPhone in Lithgow? If you are thinking that I’m going to say MacMason you would be right. I have been using the iPhone X […]