Category: Tinker Blog

  • MacBook Repair: My Personal unit

    There is a belief that Computer Techs never have issues with computers. That computers always seem to work around us. However, this is a myth. I have problems with my computers all the time. The difference is that I know how to fix the issue or know where to find the answers I need to…

  • Isolating for 14 Days! So switching to Phone Support

    Hey folks my wife is arriving from Brisbane on April First after business hours! She will be self-isolating for 14 days after her COVID test. I will also be limiting my exposure to the outside world until the 14th. We value your health and safety and want everyone to keep healthy! We will be resuming…

  • Restoring old Apple Macs

    As a Mac tech, I am often given old Apple Macs for “Recycling” or “Parts”. (I am very careful to make sure that all the customer data has been removed) Recently I have been given a few old Apple Macs that would be great to have in a museum. G4 Macbook 2 White MacBooks Old…

  • Mycroft IA Review

    With my wife gone for two weeks, this s a perfect time for me to test the Mycroft AI and Review. In a previous post, I talked about installing the OS on a Raspberry Pi and why I did not just install it on one of my Macs Installation Installation using the dedicated OS on…

  • Linux on a Mac the Basics

    Before we even start I am going to keep things simple here. This blog post is for those folks who have yet to even try Linux. This will talk about why someone may want to run Linux on a Mac or old PC computer. What is linux? And why is everyone so excited about it?…

  • Mycroft AI Voice Assistant

    Voice assistants are very useful though there is a lot of questions about privacy. Many of the companies that offer a Voice assistant claim that they are not going to be using your data to market products to you. But there are a lot of reports of that not being the case. My daughter in…

  • Kevin’s Tinker Blog

    As a computer geek, I’m not just going to be working on Apple Computers. I do like to tinker with various bits of technology. This blog will be about the various projects that I have started. (And sometimes finish). This will focus on my learning process. I do not claim to be an expert on…