Tag: MacOS training
How to remember passwords: Part two
it is hard to remember passwords. If you are a senior or adult who keeps forgetting passwords… guess what? Not only are you not alone but it has nothing to […]
Big Social Media privacy mistakes will get you hacked!
I know that you folks are aware that I repair Mac Computers in Lithgow… but I’m also am studying Hacking (Makes me better at online security … no I’m not […]
Lonely Harts Scam: Case Cosed She got away
Looks like this one got away. It’s been three weeks since we have had any communication. Alice has started sending me more images of their “Child”. This is directly aimed […]
Senior Computer Training: Most mistakes wins!
Teaching adults how to use a computer is something that I’m passionate about. I not only get paid to do this but I believe that everyone has the ability to […]
Stress and, how adults learn computers
Stress is a major factor when learning new software. Regardless if you are a computer expert or someone who is not thrilled about having to use a mouse to order […]
Glitter Bomb Vs Scammers
This is a great video by Mark Rober that talks about how some of these scammers work. He not only talks about how they catch a scammer using a glitter […]
Do I repair Windows 10 computers in Lithgow?
Some of my clients will ask if I repair Windows 10 computers? Honestly, I can work with the hardware as that part is relatively simple. But Microsoft Windows is not […]