Where to get Glass screen protectors for iPhones in Lithgow?
When I first saw a screen protector while I was working at the Apple store in Bondi I honestly did not think it was a good idea. The flimsy plastic […]
Still working on the new Mac and phone repair shop!
I think the hardest part of opening the Mac & Phone repair shop is finding the time to do so while staying open. Here I was thinking that I could […]
Future Proofing how my buiness uses our Macs
One of the interesting challenges that I face with opening up the shop is setting up all the computers and files for expansion. Because I have been working on my […]
Apple & Google pay safer than credit cards in your wallet
I am not always one of those people who dive head first into new tech! No really! I was one of those people who said that Video cameras on smartphones […]
Now offering refurbished iPhones & iPads
I’m very picky about the services and products we offer. So when I found a distributor for refurbished iPhones, I had to take another closer look. I did my research, […]
New Shop Coming to Lithgow Soon
When we opened MacMason Repairs and Training it was right in the middle of COVID lockdowns. I had been laid off from my previous employer in Katoomba, and there is […]
The Joy in teaching
Teaching is one of those things that if there was a way to have all my bills paid and just a little left over for an occasional Mac upgrade I […]
Coffee Shop and Coding in Bathrust
About once a week I go to the Bathurst Seymour Centre to teach computer literacy for Seniors. Honestly, it is one of my favourite classes to teach. As the students […]
2013 Mac Pro Still kicks ass!
I love this Mac Pro. I wish this one belonged to me but it belongs to one of my clients. She brought it in for a tune-up and a few […]
Is there anyone in Lithgow who can help with Apple ID?
So before we start let’s just say that I can not get your Apple ID back. While this is frustrating (Trust me I used to work at apple and would […]
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