Keep your hard drive clean. How not be a digital pack rat.
We are digital pack rats (American slang for someone who hoarders) we never like to throw anything away. The problem is that that a computer needs to have free space […]
Are vaccine mandates a human rights violation?
If you reading this you most likely have been in a recent argument about vaccines and decided to google “Are vaccines mandates a human rights violation?”. I have this argument […]
I tested positive for COVID on Sat! .. Both Marc and I are taking care of ourselves, drinking lots of fluids and avoiding everyone! The shop will be closed until […]
SugarDaddy Scam Part 3 (The Proof….NOT)
We are back again with the Sugar Daddy Scam.. This week we are going to talk about his ” special girl”. and why he sent this image. Wow, look at […]
How to remember passwords: Part two
it is hard to remember passwords. If you are a senior or adult who keeps forgetting passwords… guess what? Not only are you not alone but it has nothing to […]
Big Social Media privacy mistakes will get you hacked!
I know that you folks are aware that I repair Mac Computers in Lithgow… but I’m also am studying Hacking (Makes me better at online security … no I’m not […]
Lonely Harts Scam: Case Cosed She got away
Looks like this one got away. It’s been three weeks since we have had any communication. Alice has started sending me more images of their “Child”. This is directly aimed […]
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