Anatomy of a “Lonely Hearts Scam” Day Three: Hinting at Romance
IF you are new here I study scams as well as repair Mac computers and just a touch of cybersecurity. I don’t just study who did what and why. But […]
Am I sure this is a Lonely hearts Scam?
The ongoing saga of me documenting a lonely hearts scam. A friend of mine mentioned that perhaps this is a real person reaching out to me just to have a […]
New Phone Scam! Remote access to your phone!
I have heard about this scam for a while but yesterday was the first time that I have seen it in person. This trick allows the scammer to access your […]
Why I do not remote into your computer?
I get asked all the time if I can remote into a computer and fix the problem. Though this sounds like it would be convenient for most customers it opens […]
OSX El Capitan too old – Maybe Try Linux
If you are running into problems with not being able to use some websites on your old Macbook or iMac. It could be that you are using OSX 10.11. (Or […]
Anatomy of a “Lonely Hearts Scam” Day Two: Alignment
In a previous post, I was contacted by a con artist who mistakenly thought that I might be a good mark. Little did they know I study con artists and […]
Anatomy of a “Lonely Hearts Scam” Day one!
The other day I was minding my own business when I received a random message on Whatsapp. I honestly only use the app to talk to a few people. Looking […]
Moving our web hosting service. we might be offline.
Hey folks! We are moving our web hosting to Australian servers. As much as this sort of move is seamless there are times that something unexpected happens. So we might […]
How to fight disinformation trolls!
Q: Why do you argue with the plague rats? It’s not like you are going to change their mind? A: I’m not trying to convert them. I’m using their techniques […]
Most scams have nothing to do with Tech
I am not just a Mac computer expert. I study scams and disinformation. I’m that guy who goes through his spam folder just to find new scams, reading them line […]
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