Mycroft IA Review
With my wife gone for two weeks, this s a perfect time for me to test the Mycroft AI and Review. In a previous post, I talked about installing the […]
My Mac is slow! What could be wrong?
Is your Mac slow? There are a lot of different things that can slow down a Mac. My 15 years of working with Mac computers, have taught me a few […]
Image Capture the best little program you never knew you always had
I hate printers. I know an odd way of starting a blog. But it is very true I hate printers (Why I hate printers in its full flaming hateful glory […]
Linux on a Mac the Basics
Before we even start I am going to keep things simple here. This blog post is for those folks who have yet to even try Linux. This will talk about […]
That Green light that warns you the mac webcam is on
As a computer tech, the amount of times that I have seen a computer with a sticky bandage over the camera is beyond my ability to count. As someone who […]
Mycroft AI Voice Assistant
Voice assistants are very useful though there is a lot of questions about privacy. Many of the companies that offer a Voice assistant claim that they are not going to […]
Kevin’s Tinker Blog
As a computer geek, I’m not just going to be working on Apple Computers. I do like to tinker with various bits of technology. This blog will be about the […]
OSX Software updates FAQ
I get a lot of questions about software updates. I have also discovered that people also are very resistant to running software updates when it is sometimes the fix to […]
Mac Tip for the Dyslexia
You will find spelling errors in this blog post. This is deliberate as I want to show the limitations of the software I used to combat my Dyslexia and ADHD. […]
Lithgow needs business websites that are NOT only on Facebook
FACEBOOK IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS’S WEBSITE! Before we start … if you already have a great Lithgow Website submit it here. OK On with the Blog! Without getting political or […]
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